Anesthesiology & Pain Management
- epidural space visualization
- ultrasound guided regional nerve block
- needle visualization and guidance
- real time visualization of injected substance
Critical Care
- bedside assessment
- cardiac, pericardial effusion
- thoracic, pneumothorax (r/o)
- free fluid monitoring
Emergency Medicine
- immediate answers to specific concerns
- upper quadrant/free fluids
- cardiac: pericardial effusion, contractility
- thoracic: pneumothorax (r/o)
- obstetrical: intrauterine v.s. ectopic
- pleural effusion
- cricothyroid membrane
- Thyroid gland
- identifying lesions & needle guidance of targeted lesion for biopsy/aspiration
- thyroid visualization
Family Practice
- Primary Care sonography “extension of the stethoscope”
- soft tissue lumps and bumps
- real time sonographic quick assessment of abdomen and pelvis
- instant fetal monitoring
- Ascites
Internal Medicine
- thoracic; A and B lines, r/o pneumothorax,
- cardiac; contractility, gross valve observation, pericardial fluid monitoring
Long Term Care & Palliative Care
- pre and postvoid residual bladder volume
- Ascites
Men’s Health
- dynamic studies for sports medicine applications
- needle guidance for pain management
- monitoring tears in rotator cuff
- median nerve measurement and dynamic evaluation of wrist
- Hadlock Measurement Function
- viability
- dating
- presentation
- amniotic fluid volume
- endovaginal capabilities
- early multiple gestation reveal
- “peace of mind” scan for mother-to-be
- placenta, location and maturity
Speech Language Pathology
- Realtime imaging of the tongue for biofeedback
- Vocal Chords
Sports Medicine
- Supra Patellar Bursa
- Knee Joint
- SI Joint
- Hip Joint
- Elbow Joint
- Ankle Joint
- kidney
- pre and postvoid residual bladder volume
- prostate – volume
Vascular Access
- assistance for vein cannulation
- vascular surgery mapping
- PICC lines
Women’s Health & Gynecology
- pre and post void residual bladder volume
- IUD placement
- ovary assessment
- Uterus size, shape, contents
- Uterine fibroids
- cervix/vagina
- real time observation (dynamic) pelvic floor contractions